Wednesday, March 22, 2006

lost my post..

white nights, had two in a row now, last night insparation came by my door at half two in the least something good came out of it.
still no luck on the house front but i'm gearing up for full force and i'll find that speciall place thats been alluding me for the last two months.
part of yesterday's inspireing white night i have done so utterly stupid today i'm thoroghly pissed with myself especially as i have no clue how h fuck i did it.. tryed printing out my shorter men gray boxess post and somehow managed to erase half of the damn post...argh...
wrote the site an email trying to find a way to retrive the damn thing and finally did the smart thing of directing all posts to be mailed to my email after publishing...
so if anyone reading this has by any starnge reason has saved the first full version of that post PLEASE contact me on the coment pageas i dearly loved that post and really want it back...
May Bastt bless this request and return my lost post to me!!

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