Monday, July 31, 2006

talanted boy.. this one's for you!!

dearest talanted boy who used to be mine,
who was the first one to succseed where no one has before in making me climax while stoned of my head, who made me climax without even being touched, only be giving him pleasure, who struck gold every time he touched me.
who tolrated all my deamons, with a smile on his face, who held me and comforted me in my sorrows, who introduced me in to his life and his home, who would cuddle me in his sleep,
whose smile shines like the sun and whose eyes have bright stars twinkling in them everytime he smiles, my talanted boy whome i had to let go of and set him free to go after his love and i did so with a brokrn smile sad i couldnt make him as happy as she could.
my talanted boy who is still my hero and shares my piece of land on the moon. who crawlled into my heart and never left it. my talanted boy who took me with him to OZfest and shared his friends with me
whome thanks to him i had a home and a family so far away from my own.
to you my dearest may you never loose your shining aoura and stary eyes.. may you be happy where ever you go and all your adventures.. may we meet again and i could sink my teeth into you again and vice a versa..
i love you still my dearest allways will..
thank you!!

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