Friday, March 20, 2009

Some lawyers are just to old to practice...


We were actually looking forwards to the contract signing and then after the first greeting with the oldest FFing lawyer alive we realized that he is still living in the past and seems to think this is the first contract we ever signed and above all are out to get the land lord fucked hard...
damn idiot..

He came up with all sort of disrespectful remarks and closes in the contract that simply wouldn't do till the whole thing blew up and we told our would be land lord that we do really want to sign but not with this draconian contract written up up by the damn old lawyer..

so we hope to find another laywer who is still in touch with reality and is not so sure we are out to get the land lord's mony and time.

So we probbaly go again sundy..

*Met up with Skinny and talked some shop we should be meeting again sundy to let some muse up and creat some nice slinky tiger rings, will update on the progress no worries..
then had the worst Pilatis class ever and hated (for the first time i promise) my teacher, i mean how many times can you hear your own name called in one class to realise your having a bad pilatis day?
Not her fault though she's the same i simply couldnt get it right in my head to day so instead of a fun pilatis i had a shit pilatis day ..
no matter i am sure monday will go better...

*Checked out work mail and order staus and i will be a busy busy bee again on sunday.. which is realy good in pointing my boss in the give-her-a-rise-soon! direction... good for me even better for my bank account and Pas over is justr around the correnr...

and just before Pass over there is our 2 year aniversery and a wedding of friends where my gorgeous Red-Sonja will have her first public debute.. oh and a hair cut to make sure i stand out even more in a crowd with the cool hair the tattoo's.. (who said you can't stand out in a wedding with out being the bride... ;), so yeah alot to look forward to and thats all after the move which still has to happen on April 1st... damn busy bee me...

*Hopefully soon KipodTatto will send me pitures of my Red-Sonja so you could see for yourself how gorgeous she is and how talanted they are!!

*M is still shutting me out and i think its been over two months now...
I hope to hera something from her soon, i hope she is doing well i miss her alot..
She shied away from the world and cut me off a while back and by now she doesn't even answer my e-Mails.. quite a bummer but i hope for her that she is making some progress and soon she'll be ready to come back to the world..

*There is still so much that needs to be done with packing and moving that we siply havent seemed to get around too and i hope that soon we will get our cute buts into action.. i want out of this match box and into the new place.. so much to do so little time....
this weekend seems to be about lounging and finnishing end bits from work that i dont think its going to happen this weekend but by next weekend i believe we will be up to our arm pitts in boxes and wrraping paper as we should be, start picking up cartons and strat digging into the Packing...

thats it for now.. till later may we all have a blessed weekend!

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